Use Hurtful Conversations and Situations to Build Self-Esteem

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Intro written: Reframing; Choose Empowering Beliefs
Intro written: Nonattachment
Intro written: Emotional Balance
Intro written: Enhance All of Life with Inner Silence
Intro written: Journaling for Clarity of Mind and Emotions

Exercise Details

Duration = 30 minutes.
Difficulty = 75/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To desensitize yourself to heavy criticism, and come out of the process stronger than anyone else in the situation.
  2. To derail your own defensiveness and self-righteousness, so that you can make use of negative feedback without giving up on your self-esteem.
  3. To transform hurtful and difficult conversations into gifts that you're grateful for.
Image courtesy of: h.koppdelaney / Hartwig HKD || Original Image || Flickr Profile || H.Kopp-Delaney Website